Essay Sample on Educational Administration: The Rationale of the Study Download. Samples Most educators, parents and community members want their schools to be good ones, so school improvement is a major function of educational administration. It is necessarily an ongoing activity because past successes are no guarantee of future ones Oct 10, · RATIONALE. PURPOSE. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) 1- RATIONALE. n Somewhere in the introduction you need to inform the reader of the rationale of your research. This is a brief explanation of why your research topic is worthy of study and may make a significant contribution to the body of already existing research This chapter outlines the rationale of the study, provides a problem statement, explains its aims, explicates the underlying assumptions and theoretical paradigm, and discusses the anticipated value of the study. An overview of the chapters that will follow is also provided. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY
How to do Rationale of the study : Each step explained for you
The rationale is written to describe the reasons for any study or research. It proffers a problem with apt solutions. It is a vital portion of any research as it explains the novelty and significance. It justifies the idea behind the research and is also called justification of the study. The rationale is formed around the background of the study. All prior data present on the topic is presented to identify the gaps present in the literature.
Rationale sets the tone and ideas of the study. A rationale needs to be meticulous and precise. Writing the rationale should be related to the following factors. It is of utmost importance that the research should aid in eliminating the gaps present in the current literature. Moreover, it is compulsory to fill the voids present in the current pool of literature and revamp the present studies. But this does not mean that something totally new has to be invented in the field or the questions in the discussion.
The idea is to provide fresh perspectives and angles which have not been discussed before. Research is conducted to solve the current problem.
It can lay down a base for the implication of the specific problem and also highlight the benefits of solving such a problem with a specific solution. It should also be noted that at the time of conducting research it is not obligatory for research to be associated with a specific solution. The disquisition can be pure theory based in nature.
Research acts as rationale of the study vantage point in identifying specific problems in a business structure. Research can aid in solving such problems and give a good advantage over competitors. Many businesses based on agriculture, engineering, utility services thrive on innovation and needs constant jolts of novelty to keep floating, rationale of the study. Many businesses conduct researches to make consumer goods better and efficient.
Solving such problems can curb out any hindrances which have been identified in the study or implementing new solutions offered in the study to boost profitability. By identifying the gaps in the literature, providing solutions and discussing the precise problem in intricate detail expands the current pool of the literature, rationale of the study.
By analyzing the current methods and utilizing them to rationale of the study new paths aids in the expansion of perspective. The disquisition can also act as a precursor for many new ideas and study cases. New or current opportunities can be gauged, rationale of the study, seized and ultimately cashed on by research. Research helps in nourishing critical thinking, inculcates creativity and time efficiency to enhance analytical skills, rationale of the study.
Conducting a study is mentally stimulating which is better for efficiency. Such a gamut of skills has long-lasting implications. Research helps in disclosing the truth and separating fabricated and underlying lies, the skills developed are essential for aspired career paths. The jolts of the invention enhance intelligence quotient IQ. These skills help in bringing revolution and helps to make technological advancement a reality.
Choosing an apt topic that is aligned with rationale of the study study interest and career aspiration is important. Research answers in-depth knowledge on a particular topic contributes to increasing the chances of opportunities in a chosen career path. Furthermore, research is a great vacant point to identify a niche in the industry and gain ample and precise information regarding the subject and various aspects of the chosen industry.
Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Sign in. project guru Get your projects done. Elimination of gap in the literature It is of utmost importance that the research should aid in eliminating the gaps present in the current literature. Solving a specific problem Research is conducted to solve the current problem, rationale of the study. Aiding a business Research acts as a vantage point in identifying specific problems in a business structure.
Knowledge creation By identifying the gaps in the literature, providing solutions and discussing the precise problem in intricate detail expands the current pool of the literature. Development of relevant skills Research helps in nourishing critical thinking, inculcates creativity and time efficiency to enhance analytical skills. Steps to follow while writing the rationale of the study of the study In the first few lines provide the background of the topic in such a way that it tingles the curiosity of the reader.
Also, introduce the problem that has to be discussed. Briefly explain the problem that has to be addressed and what the research outcomes are. The detailed synopsis of the problem and what the study would tackle.
Use bibliographic citations to strengthen the reasonings for conducting the research, also highlight the intended audience which will scrutinize the research or use it for further studies. The purpose of the work and how it will be utilized further. Writing should be as concise as possible, it should be written in such a way that it avoids pretentious writing and could be readily understood by the intended audience.
Avoid using specialized complex jargon or technical terms lingering around the problem. Describe the problem thoroughly and keep the information specific. In a few lines also discuss the impact of the intended research and its implications rationale of the study impact in the real world. Also, highlight the additional references and methodology utilized for the research.
Do not assimilate them too much in the writing. Focus on providing concise information and arguments foremost. Author Recent Posts. Priya Chetty. Partner at Project Guru. Priya is a master in business administration with majors in marketing and finance. She is fluent with data modelling, time series analysis, various regression models, forecasting and interpretation of the data.
She has assisted data scientists, corporates, scholars in the field of finance, banking, economics and marketing. Latest posts by Priya Rationale of the study see all. How skewed was healthcare access in India by the end of ? Click rationale of the study share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window Click to share on LinkedIn Opens in new window Click to share on WhatsApp Opens in new window Click to email this to a friend Opens in new window Click to print Opens in new window.
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Research Protocol ( Part 3) -Title, Aims and Objectives, Rationale and Statement of Problem
, time: 16:00Rationale for the Study - Research-Methodology

Essay Sample on Educational Administration: The Rationale of the Study Download. Samples Most educators, parents and community members want their schools to be good ones, so school improvement is a major function of educational administration. It is necessarily an ongoing activity because past successes are no guarantee of future ones describe the rationale for the proposed qualitative research approach in the empirical phase of the study. This chapter will support the inclusion of the study approach, design, sampling method, data collection and analysis methods that are employed. Furthermore, the issues of validity, reliability and ethics of the research process are This chapter outlines the rationale of the study, provides a problem statement, explains its aims, explicates the underlying assumptions and theoretical paradigm, and discusses the anticipated value of the study. An overview of the chapters that will follow is also provided. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY
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