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This page summarizes the process and regulations for PhD in Software, phd thesis biodiesel, Systems and Computing students, approved by the Programme Committee. On this basis, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has established PhD Thesis Preparation and Assessment Regulations that address the following points:. All PhD-related University rules may be found on the Doctoral Rules web page.
Upon commencement, along with their tutors and thesis supervisor, students must sign the " Doctoral student training and supervision commitment agreement phd thesis biodiesel. Two signed hard copies of this commitment must be delivered to the administrative officer office Alternatively, an electronically signed PDF file could be emailed to the Programme.
After authorization from the PhD in Software, Systems and Computing Academic Committee, students may enroll for part-time PhD studies student status change form, phd thesis biodiesel.
In this case, students shall have a maximum of five years' part-time study in which to complete their PhD from their admission to the programme until submission of their PhD thesis, phd thesis biodiesel.
In the case of part-time studies, the CADSSC may authorize a two-year extension, which could, exceptionally, be extended by another year. Students mixing part-time and full-time studies will have intermediate length of studies, as well as extensions, phd thesis biodiesel.
The status change is for full academic years and must be requested not later than 15 May each year, using the Status Change Request formalong with documentary proof of the circumstance. After being examined by the PhD Committee, the Doctoral Area Committee will inform about the decision in 3 months.
Leave due to illness, pregnancy or on any other grounds set forth by regulations in force shall not be taken into account for the purposes of computing the above period, and this leave must be notified as soon as possible through the Temporary Leave Request formalong with documentary proof of the circumstance, phd thesis biodiesel. The time spent taking bridge courses shall not be computed, either.
Extension requests must be sent by email to the PhD address not later than 15 May of each year by completing the Extension request form. After being examined the ordinary extensions by the PhD Committee, the Doctoral Area Committee will inform about the decision in 3 months. After being examined the extraordinary extensions by the PhD Committee and the Doctoral Area Committee, the Doctoral Committee of the EID will inform about the decision in 4.
Students may apply for one full academic year of temporary leave from the programme, which may be requested twice during the course of studies, phd thesis biodiesel. Temporary leave must be requested by email using the Temporary Leave Request formalong with documentary proof of the circumstance not later than 15 May each year.
Moreover, the UPM has established the procedure for preparing and submitting annual research plans, phd thesis biodiesel. The CADSSC shall annually assess the Research Plan that all programme students are required to write at the end of each academic year for the PhD programme, as well as all the documented activities that the student has completed as part of the programme and the reports issued by the student's thesis supervisor.
Positive evaluation is a requirement to continue in the programme. In the event of a negative evaluation, which must be properly demonstrated with proof, the PhD student shall be reevaluated after six months. To this end, the student shall write another Research Plan. In the event of another negative evaluation or failure to write the Research Plan, phd thesis biodiesel, the PhD student shall be obliged to leave the programme.
As established in UPM 's PhD Student Continuation PolicyPhD students cannot continue their studies in the PhD in Software, Systems and Computing when:.
PhD thesis supervisor No later than three months after enrollment, PhD candidates shall be appointed a thesis supervisor by the CADSSC to advise the preparation of their PhD thesis. Thesis supervisors must be programme faculty members holding a PhD and with accredited research experience.
Non-faculty members shall also be eligible, provided that they comply with the PhD in Software, Systems and Computing and standard UPM PhD programme criteria. A student's tutor and PhD thesis supervisor need not necessarily be the same person.
New students are advised to contact programme faculty and UPM research groups associated with the programme in order to scope out the topic that they intend to research. Students must notify the programme administrative officer when, as a result of such contacts, a faculty member agrees to supervise their thesis. No later than three months from the start of the course, all students must have selected a research topic so that the CADSSC can assign thesis supervisors.
Otherwise, phd thesis biodiesel, the CADSSC shall assign ex officio a thesis supervisor to the phd thesis biodiesel. In general, for the incorporation into the PhD programme of new researchers as thesis directors the following criteria will be taken into account:. Doctors interested in joining as researchers in a doctoral programme will present the Application for registration as a researcher in the Doctorate programme to the CADSSCtogether with:. The CADSSC will assess the application and issue a report within a maximum period of two months, and then forward the application to the Doctoral Area Committee of the EID of the UPM.
The Doctoral Area Committee may request all further reports that it may require and shall decide on the application in no more than two months. In addition, a researcher not being supervising any student's thesis can request to abandon the PhD programme using the Form to abandon the PhD programme.
PhD thesis co-supervision On academic grounds, a PhD thesis may be co-supervised by a second thesis supervisor holding a PhD degree and with accredited research experience, when any of the following occurs: Thesis topic is interdisciplinary o intersectoralneeding the contribution of both supervisors in different knowledge areas.
The student should justify the contribution of both supervisors. A joint supervision is being requested or supervisors are from different institutions. The student should justify the institution of each supervisor and provide the corresponding inter-institutional or international collaboration framework.
Thesis will be under industrial doctor distintion. The thesis would allow training in thesis supervision to a new supervisor with no previous experience in thesis supervision.
This training will be propitiated by an experienced supervisor that should have supervised more than two thesis. The student should justify the experience of the first supervisor. Co-supervision requests should be preferably done during the first year or, in general, not later than the end of the second year.
Exceptionally, phd thesis biodiesel, co-supervision could be requested in the third year providing a very clear justification based of joint productivity papers, projects or patents. Co-supervision cannot be requested if the student is in the extension period. One thesis cannot have more than two supervisors, although other professionals could collaborate with the students.
Thesis deposit could not happen in the 6 following months immediately after co-supervision approval. The PhD candidate must apply to the CADSSC for co-supervision with the Thesis co-supervision application form if the new supervisor does not belong to this PhD, the New PhD member application form should be send, as explained in the previous section.
The aforesaid authorization may be withdrawn at a later date if the Doctoral Area Committee resolves that co-supervision is of no benefit to thesis development. Any PhD candidate who wishes to substitute their PhD thesis supervisor must apply to the CADSSC using the Thesis phd thesis biodiesel substitution application form. Thesis supervisors may be substituted at any time up until the PhD thesis is deposited.
Any PhD candidate that would like to substitute their PhD thesis supervisor shall have to apply to the CADSSC using the Thesis supervisor substitution application form. Thesis supervisors can be substituted any time up until the PhD thesis is deposited. The UPM Phd thesis biodiesel Committee may request phd thesis biodiesel further reports that it requires and shall decide on the application within two months, phd thesis biodiesel.
One of the objectives of the UPM is to promote and develop scientific cooperation with other international institutions. This may be encouraged through the joint international supervision of PhD theses. Such joint supervision favors PhD candidate mobility and contributes to strengthening ties between UPM groups and groups from other universities with regard to cooperation, phd thesis biodiesel.
The joint supervision of each doctoral thesis shall be carried out under the framework of cooperation between the UPM and another university, according to a joint supervision agreement between both universities. The application for joint supervision must be submitted to the CADSSCsigned by the student and the supervisor, with attached documents supporting the collaboration.
When it was approved, phd thesis biodiesel, it will be sent to the UPM PhD International School. The doctoral programme admission requirements shall be as required at each university.
The doctoral candidate shall enrol at both universities, although he or she shall only be liable for tuition fees at one of the institutions and shall be exempt at the other. The agreement shall state which university charges, and which waives, the tuition fees. The doctoral candidate shall perform his or her research activities at both the universities that have entered into the joint supervision agreement and shall spend one or more periods totaling at least six months at each.
The stays and activities shall be specified in the agreement signed by the two parties. The doctoral thesis shall be defended at one of the two universities. This point shall be agreed upon by the participating universities and specified in the agreement. The doctoral thesis examination board shall be appointed by mutual agreement between the two universities, and its composition shall, whenever possible, comply with the regulatory criteria of both institutions, phd thesis biodiesel.
The board should include at most one doctoral degree holder from each signatory university. Pursuant to the agreement, each institution shall recognize the validity of the doctoral thesis. The thesis shall be graded according to the grading system established in the country in which the thesis is defended. Furthermore, the examination board shall also enter the grade awarded under the system applicable in the other university's country.
Both institutions shall file and disseminate the thesis according to their own specific procedures. The phd thesis biodiesel joint supervision procedure, agreement and forms are available at UPM 's website. The PhD programme encourages student phd thesis biodiesel by promoting sojourns at other national or international institutions of higher education or research centers of excellence where students may opt to complete part of their research for their thesis.
The sojourns must be recorded in the PhD student's Activity Log. To this end, students must submit a Mobility Application to the PhD Programme Committee beforehand. Students are asked to fully cooperate in completion of this application, phd thesis biodiesel, as the stated information is also necessary for quality agencies to monitor and possibly evaluate the PhD Programme. Additionally, students are reminded that, in order to be able to opt for the International PhD Mentionthe minimum length of a sojourn at a higher education institution or research center of excellence outside Spain is three months, and the PhD Programme Committee must have been previously informed of the aforesaid sojourn.
Legislation allows students to conduct internships at companies; however, PhD phd thesis biodiesel do not require this kind of training and there are no credits to be recognized. If this collaboration could prove useful, these are the possibilities:. The duration phd thesis biodiesel the internship, the required timetable and phd thesis biodiesel relationship with the thesis must be established in phd thesis biodiesel internship agreement.
The agreement should also establish the distribution of ownership over the results derived from thesis work that may be protected by patents, software registers or other intellectual and industrial property, and they will be determined according to the nature of the works, the percentage of the student's funding by the company and the University, the contracts previously signed and the participation of researchers from both parties in the results.
PhD students must define the PhD thesis title at the end of the first academic year, prior to the Research Plan. To define the PhD thesis title or to modify an existing one, it should be requested to the Phd thesis biodiesel using the Thesis title amendment form.
PhD candidates must draft a research phd thesis biodiesel every year. This research plan must state at least the research methodology and goals, phd thesis biodiesel, as well as the research resources and time chart.
Students must draft their first phd thesis biodiesel plan at the end of their first year of the programme. This research plan shall be improved and specified further in successive years. The PhD candidate and the thesis supervisor or supervisors shall be responsible for submitting the annual research plan to the CADSSCdetailing the progress and the most significant interim results of the PhD thesis research.
Only students who have paid the academic supervision fees shall be entitled to submit this report. The UPM PhD Committee shall establish the format and submission date for this report. The research plan shall be completed at RAPI. The CADSSC shall annually assess each PhD candidate's research plan, in addition to the reports from thesis supervisors.
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