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Ideal society essay

Ideal society essay

ideal society essay

Essay on My Ideal Society Words6 Pages Whether or not humans are essentially evil or sympathetic is a question that has long left many philosophers in a state of conflict. Through the evaluation of natural human qualities, many different opinions have been formed An ideal society is one that is driven by dreams, one that is determined to work towards goals and in turn are happy. Even happy with not being perfect, but rather good. An ideal society would be united and have, as cliche as it may sound, world peace. A society where we can realize we are all dependent on each other and would be without injustice Jan 09,  · An ideal society should not have to be one that does not have rules or laws and everyone runs around doing whatever they please. Public interest is the nature of a government itself. It refers to the general welfare of a society. In an ideal society, the attention of the people would actually have a large impact on governing blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Ideal Society Essay | Cram

Sign up for our free, weekly podcast of featured essays. You can download recent episodes individually, or subscribe to automatically receive each podcast. Learn more. Frequently asked questions about the This I Believe project, educational opportunities and more I believe that humans can live peacefully together if everyone would be cooperative and conscientious to each other.

My ideal view for humanity is one that will probably never be attained, but still one to hope for in my opinion. I feel that if humans lived more robotically, continually striving to contribute to society with the skills and talents that they are best with, whether it be an advanced understanding of mathematics, advanced artistic ability, or advanced athleticism. With such a large population, and a reproduction rate that exponentially grows the population until equilibrium is found between population and available resources, the number of biologically different individuals would allow for many types of specialization, filling the roles of society that have been established and allowing growth and development of new roles to be filled by next generations, if not members of the existing generation.

With a system like this, there would be no need for money, ideal society essay. Everything would be free, because production would be continuous.

Everyone would be fed because, in this conscientious society, nobody would take more food than ideal society essay needed, or more of anything than they needed. Food could be free because farmers produce the food for everyone, while the road workers ideal society essay the roads for everyone, ideal society essay, and the scientists advance technology for everyone. Everyone benefits from each other, so everything is shared: free medical care, free food, free tickets to the concert until all of the seats are gone.

Without money, and with this overarching conscientiousness, greed would finally no longer be a flaw of humans. It would be understood between all members of this society that you only take what you need, and provide for everyone.

This reliance on conscientiousness speaks to the personalities that the humans living in this society would need to have. The people living this type of lifestyle would have to be honest, respectful, and selfless. There would be no place for arrogance, selfishness, desire for power or control, or feelings of superiority.

Every person would have to believe they were equal to each other, and live for each other rather than for themselves. Hospitality and politeness would be ideal society essay cherished traditions, where a host would be willing and insistent to sacrifice some comfort in order ideal society essay help a stranger in the same way they might help a friend. I realize that this is a very farfetched and incredibly unlikely society, but I feel that if conditions were perfect, it is a society that would work.

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Murrow's radio series of the s. Ideal society essay perfect for personal or classroom use! Click ideal society essay to learn more. Sponsor This Essay. Donate If you enjoyed this essay, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to This I Believe, Inc. Copyright © This I Believe, ideal society essay, Inc. Please contact This I Believe, Inc. Donate The work of This I Believe is made possible by individuals like you. Will Thomas had planned to give up on America and move to Haiti after putting up with decades of ideal society essay and injustice toward African Americans.

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The Ideal Society

, time: 15:09

An Ideal Society Essay - Words | Bartleby

ideal society essay

Jan 09,  · An ideal society should not have to be one that does not have rules or laws and everyone runs around doing whatever they please. Public interest is the nature of a government itself. It refers to the general welfare of a society. In an ideal society, the attention of the people would actually have a large impact on governing blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Nov 17,  · My ideal view for humanity is one that will probably never be attained, but still one to hope for in my opinion. I feel that if humans lived more robotically, continually striving to contribute to society with the skills and talents that they are best with, whether it be an advanced understanding of mathematics, advanced artistic ability, or An ideal society is one that is driven by dreams, one that is determined to work towards goals and in turn are happy. Even happy with not being perfect, but rather good. An ideal society would be united and have, as cliche as it may sound, world peace. A society where we can realize we are all dependent on each other and would be without injustice

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